On the death of Miller, he left as inheritance to his son just a cat. But he said to his master. "Do you think that I'm nothing. Obey me and see. The king's coach came down the road. "Come into the river, Puss ordered his master, and cried: - Socorrolk. Drowns the Marquis of Carabas!
The King and his daughter sent his servants to remove from the river to the Marquis of Carabas course, and gave it a dry suit, very beautiful and luxurious.
He was invited to board the royal carriage, and ahead of the Cat by the way, asked the reapers, when the king asked of those who answered were those lands "of the Marquis of Carabas."
Just told the grape, and the king was astonished at what had his friend the Marquis.
Always ahead of the hearse, the cat came to the castle of a giant, and said: "I heard that you can turn into any animal. But I think not.
No? Cried the giant. "Well, tell yourself. And at one point took on the appearance of a terrible lion. - What you are not able to become a mouse?
What do you mean? Note. He became a mouse and then AUM! the cat ate a snack, and then came back and wait the float.
Welcome to the castle of my master, the Marquis of Carabas! Pass Your Majesty and the beautiful princess to enjoy the feast that is prepared.
The miller's son and the princess were married and were very happy they got all this wealth by the cunning Puss in Boots.